Setting up your questions to report a score

To enable your questions to report scores to a Learning Management System (LMS), you will need to configure the question scoring in the Project settings.

The total score for a course is evenly distributed across its scored questions. For example, in a course with five scored questions, each question will award 20% (i.e., 100 / 5 = 20).

You can score questions individually, allowing for a mix of scored and unscored questions. This flexibility is beneficial for including reflective questions that help learners internalize information alongside more serious assessments.


Accessing the scoring settings

1. Open your Project

2. Select Questions & Completion from the top toolbar:


3. Select Course Completion to expand the completion options:


4. Select Assessment

5. Go to What questions are scored? at the bottom of the modal window. You may need to scroll down to see it:



Enabling scoring for questions

All of your questions appear under the heading What questions are scored?. They are sorted hierarchically, allowing for focused changes at each level.

Scoring options:

  • All questions: Check the All questions box to score every question in your course.
  • All question in a chapter: Check the box labeled with a chapter number to score all questions within that chapter (e.g., selecting Chapter 1 will score all questions in the first chapter). You can select multiple chapters.
  • All questions on a page: Check the box labelled with a page name to score all questions on a page. Multiple pages can be selected at once if needed.
  • Individual questions: Check the box labelled with a question title to score just that question. You can select multiple questions at once.


Note: When scoring a question group, all questions within that group will be scored. Mixtures of scored and unscored questions within a question group are not possible. For more information about question groups, see Creating a group of questions.
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