Setting your favorite Projects, Styles, and assets

You can set favorites in your Create library for resources that you use most often. Projects, Styles and assets in your Asset Library can all be set as favorites. You can filter by favorites in each library making them easy to find when you need them. 

Favorites are personal to you. No one else in your account can see or change your favorites.


Setting a favorite

The Project library, Style library, and Asset library all share the same method of applying a favorite.

Each item in its respective library has a star icon to the left of it. Here is an example of the favorite icon in the Brand Library:

create, arrow pointing to empty star icon in brand.png

Select the star to favorite the item. Favorited items will appear with a filled star icon:

create, arrow pointing to full star icon in brand.png


Sorting by your favorites

Once you have at least one favorite item in a library, you can sort the results by favorites by selecting Favorites to the left of the library filter options:

Create, favorites filter button.png

Toggling this on will show only the items that have been favorited. To show all items again, toggle the button off.

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