Previewing your Project before sharing it with your learners

Before you export your Project and distribute it to your learners, it's a good idea to check how the course looks and acts when your learners are taking it. You can do this with Preview.

When you view your Project in Preview, it will act as if it was uploaded to an LMS and taken by a learner. You can check the navigation and flow of the course and test your design or configuration choices.


Switching to Preview mode

1. Select the Preview icon in the top toolbar:

Create, arrow pointing to preview icon in top toolbar.png

Selecting Preview will open the course in a pop-up window and allow you to navigate through the course as if you were a learner:

Create, preview modal open showing Help Center test Project.png

Use the device mode icons to change the size of the screen and simulate how the course may look on mobile and tablet devices:

Create, device view icons.png

For more information about the different view modes, see Checking how your Project looks at different screen sizes


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