Checking how your Project looks at different screen sizes

Courses that you make with Elucidat Create responsively adapt to a range of different screen sizes, making your learners' experience consistent whether they're taking the course on a desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. 

You can check how your course might look at different screen resolutions in the Create interface using the device view selector:

Create, device view icons.png

1. Go to the page you'd like to check

2. Select one of the view modes at the top of the page:

Create, arrow pointing to device view icons.png

There are three different view modes to choose from:

  • Mobile. This indicates what your course might look like on mobile devices with screens that are longer but not as wide.
  • Tablet. This indicates what your course might look like on tablet devices with smaller screens and a more evenly distributed screen resolution.
  • Desktop. This indicates what your course might look like on most wide-screen monitors and laptop screens.

Note: These are general guidelines covering the most common screen types. However, each view mode is not intended to be representative of all devices that sit within that category. For example, some mobile screens may fall into the Tablet category due to their size; some laptops may be represented by Desktop or Tablet.

It's important to check your content to ensure that it looks and performs well on different devices but due to the wide range of devices that exist, we cannot guarantee that every device can be accommodated. 


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