Creating a new Project

Create offers several ways to quickly build a Project without much effort. You can create from an already-built template or resource like a PowerPoint presentation or use AI to help you build a Project. Building a Project this way will mean that most of the structure and components have already been added, ready for you to add your content to.

However, you are also able to build a Project from the beginning if you prefer, creating the structure and content yourself. 


Creating a Project

1. Go to Your Projects on the Elucidat Create homepage by selecting Projects in the left-hand menu

2. Select Create Project

3. Choose Create from scratch

4. Name your Project and select Ok

5. Select Save to finish creating your Project

Note: Your Project will not be created until you select Save. If you change your mind or would prefer to use a different creation method, you can go back to the Project library without saving and your Project will not be created.


Your new Project will be created using a default Style, or your Main Style if you've already set one. For more information about how to change the Style your Project uses, see Applying a different Brand Style to your Project.

If you haven't yet created a Style, you'll need to create one before you can apply it to your Project. See Creating a Brand Style for more information about how to do this.

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