Editing your Project's text

Most of the content you'll be adding and editing in your Project will likely be text.

All components have a title field, an introduction text field for more information, and a summary text field at the bottom:

Create, arrow pointing to the three text field of a menu component.png

This top layer text can be edited directly on the page.

If you need to edit the text inside an interaction such as a Flipcard or Accordion, you'll need to follow the instructions in Adding text and images to an interaction.


Editing the text fields

1. Select the component whose text you'd like to edit. You'll know the component has been selected if there is a blue border surrounding it.

2. Select the Text icon (Create, text icon from the Project toolbar.png) in the Project toolbar to enable text editing for that component

3. Type the new text into the text fields

4. Select the Text icon again to disable editing

Tip: You can also double-click the text in a component to quickly enable and disable editing.
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