Adding a feature image to your components

Each component can house a feature image that sits above the main text. This can be useful to help illustrate the point you're making or provide a visual introduction to what the user is about to experience or interact with.

Feature images can be added to most types of components (an exception is the Video component). For more information about components and the different types, see Feature Focus: Components.


Adding an image

1. Open your Project and find the component on your page you'd like to add an image to 

2. Select the Images icon (Create, image icon from Project toolbar.png) from the Project toolbar

3. Select Choose Image 

4. Choose an image from your Asset Library or select Upload Image to upload a new one

5. Change the selected area by dragging the two points to crop the image:

Create, arrow pointing to cropping tool in image editing modal.png

6. You can add the image's alt text in the Alt text field


Removing an image

1. Open your Project and find the component on your page you'd like to remove an image from 

2. Select the Images icon (Create, image icon from Project toolbar.png) from the Project toolbar

3. Select Remove

This will remove the image from the component. The image will remain in your Asset Library in case you need to use it again.

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