Adding navigation and action buttons to your Project

If you're planning on creating a course with multiple pages, you'll need to add buttons to allow your learners to navigate through the course.


Adding buttons

You can add navigation buttons to any type of component. 

1. Select the component you'd like to add a button to. You'll know a component has been selected if it has a blue border around it.

2. Choose the Links & Buttons icon (Create, links icon in Project toolbar.png) from the Project toolbar

3. Select + Add Button. A collapsed accordion will appear, representing the new button

Create, arrow pointing to button accordion in Links and Buttons modal .png


Configuring your buttons

Once you've added the button, you'll need to define what happens when it is pressed. You can apply either a navigation destination or an action.


1. Open the button accordion

2. Give the button a label in the Button text field. This is the text that appears on the button itself.

3. Choose an option from the Button action drop-down menu

4. Depending on the option you selected, you may also need to choose a specific destination for the button to link to. Choose a page or chapter from the Page to link to drop-down menu

There are several navigation options to choose from:

  • Navigate to the previous page
  • Navigate to the start of a chapter (or next chapter)
  • Navigate to the next page
  • Navigate to a page in this Project
  • Navigate to the first page of a Project



1. Open the button accordion

2. Give the button a label in the Button text field. This is the text that appears on the button itself.

3. Choose an action from the Button action drop-down menu

You can set the button to carry out one of these actions:

  • Close the Project
  • Give question feedback 
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